If you are interested, send us an application throughout the semester and see if there are open spot! We will then schedule a short meeting and discuss potential topics.
IMPORTANT: Your application should contain:
- program of study, matriculation number, "Anwendungsgebiet"
- list of relevant course experience (algorithms and data structures I / II, algorithm engineering, distributed and parallel algorithms, seminars), including course grades
- list of other experience, such as side projects you are working on or job experience
- list your experience in C++
- tentative schedule for the practical.
More lecture details:
Content: The programming projects are research oriented, i.e. you will work on a topic that may turns out to become a publication. Potential topics will be disclosed in the initial briefing.
Recommended (not necessary):
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (IAD),
Algorithms and Data Structures II
Leistungspunkte: 8 LP advanced, 2 LP + 4 LP FÜK beginner
Duration: one semester
Teaching mode: 6 SWS praktikum advanced, 4 SWS praktikum beginner
Advanced: 240h; thereof 25h learning in class, 10h talk preparation.
Beginner: 180h; thereof 15h learning in class, 10h talk preparation.
Passing the course: Grading of documented software, project report and talk.
B.Sc. Informatik,
M.Sc. Data and Computer Science