Beginner and Advanced Programming Project

The project generally takes place online. The core of this project is to experience the algorithm engineering cycle first hand. To this end we typically work on topics closely related to our research. The projects can also be done during the semester breaks. The programming language will be C++ in most cases.

If you are interested, send us an application throughout the semester and see if there are open spot! We will then schedule a short meeting and discuss potential topics.

IMPORTANT: Your application should contain:
  1. program of study, matriculation number, "Anwendungsgebiet"
  2. list of relevant course experience (algorithms and data structures I / II, algorithm engineering, distributed and parallel algorithms, seminars), including course grades
  3. list of other experience, such as side projects you are working on or job experience
  4. list your experience in C++
  5. tentative schedule for the practical.

More lecture details:

Content: The programming projects are research oriented, i.e. you will work on a topic that may turns out to become a publication. Potential topics will be disclosed in the initial briefing.

Recommended (not necessary):
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (IAD),
Algorithms and Data Structures II

Leistungspunkte: 8 LP advanced, 2 LP + 4 LP FÜK beginner

Duration: one semester

Teaching mode: 6 SWS praktikum advanced, 4 SWS praktikum beginner

Advanced: 240h; thereof 25h learning in class, 10h talk preparation.
Beginner: 180h; thereof 15h learning in class, 10h talk preparation.

Passing the course: Grading of documented software, project report and talk.

B.Sc. Informatik,
M.Sc. Data and Computer Science