I am a doctoral student in the algorithm engineering group Heidelberg. Currently I am working on kernelization algorithms, especially for finding maximum weighted independent sets.



    Peer-reviewed Papers

  1. The PACE 2022 Parametrized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge: Directed Feedback Vertex Set Ernestine Großmann, Tobias Heuer, Christian Schulz, Darren Strash. In 17th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2022), LIPIcs, Volume 249, 2022. [ link ]
  2. Engineering Fully Dynamic ∆-Orientation Algorithms. Jannick Borowitz, Ernestine Großmann, Christian Schulz. In SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA), 2023. To appear. [ preprint ]
  3. Arc-Flags Meet Trip-Based Public Transit Routing. Ernestine Großmann, Jonas Sauer, Christian Schulz, Patrick Steil. In Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA), 2023. To appear. [ preprint ]
  4. Finding Near-Optimal Weight Independent Sets at Scale. Ernestine Großmann, Sebastian Lamm, Christian Schulz and Darren Strash. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2023. To appear. [ preprint ]
  5. Engineering Weighted Connectivity Augmentation Algorithms. Thomas Möller, Felix Joos, Ernestine Großmann, Marcelo Fonseca Faraj, Christian Schulz. In Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA), Volume 301 of LIPIcs, pages 11:1--11:22, 2024. [ paper ]

  6. Technical Reports

  7. Finding Optimal 2- Packing Sets on Arbitrary Graphs at Scale. Ernestine Großmann, Christian Schulz, Dominik Schweisgut. Technical report, Heidelberg University, 2023. PDF
  8. Optimal Neighborhood Exploration for Dynamic Independent Sets. Jannick Borowitz, Ernestine Großmann, Christian Schulz. Technical report, Heidelberg University, 2024. PDF